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The Scriptures give us a clear commandment to multiply. The TFBA desires to help churches multiply disciples, leaders, and churches.
Multiplying leaders will help with church revitalization, replanting, and church planting.
We help churches to multiply disciples and leaders by introducing Disciple Making Pathways, using resources like the NAMB pipeline, and working together to revitalize, replant, and plant churches.
Since God's design is to use the local church to bring him glory (Ephesians 3:10), we believe that churches plant churches, churches revitalize churches, and churches replant churches. It is not associations or conventions that do this, it is the local church working together.
Our desire is to help churches multiply to help one another in accomplishing the Great Commission.
Disciple-Making Pathway

Finding people to serve and lead is difficult.
Multiplication Pipeline helps you train leaders and send your congregation on mission.
Use our simple, proven survey tools and online training system. Identify and train missional leaders within your congregation. Multiply the ministry of your church in your community and beyond.
There are millions living in North Carolina who have not been reached with the gospel. SendNC helps churches plant churches that bring change and restore hope to unreached neighborhoods.