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Executive Council Meeting - June 24

The Executive Council of the Three Forks Baptist met June 24, 2019 at the TFBA office. In attendance were: Seth Norris, Travis Suits, Mike Smith, Ben Bolick, David Cooper, Chuck Campbell, Nancy Williams, Pat Dalton, Jennifer Waldorf and Philip Woodring.


It was determined that the Association needs to take some time to determine who we are as an organization. We need to look at what the churches need from us as an Association. The Council decided that the month of July would be used as a time of fasting and prayer, to seek the Lord’s guidance regarding the direction the Association needs to go.


Moderator Seth Norris recommended that the Association give consideration to hiring an outside agency to help assess the vision and direction of the association. This suggestion will be revisited at the next Executive Council meeting.


Regarding the search for a new Executive Associational Missionary, it was remarked that we need to take time prior to forming a search committee, so we do not find ourselves searching based on what we don’t want, rather than what we do want. An interim still has not been secured, however, Harold Bennett is still a potential interim candidate who would give stability to the Association during this time of transition. He will be asked again.


It was proposed that the Association look into making Bethlehem and Beyond a ministry partner, and expanding its scope to include various forms of expressive arts ministries and outreaches. It was decided that this proposal should be tabled at the moment, and revisited after the determination of the Association’s vision and mission.


The Administrative Team gave an update on the new volunteer policies and procedures and the updates to the facility use policy.


The Church Strengthening Team gave an update. Travis Tyler, the contract with Travis Tyler for Church Revitalization Catalyst will be revisited after August. There are currently two churches without pastors.


Mabel Baptist Church submitted a letter stating their intent to withdraw from the Association. Ben Bolick moved to accept their withdrawal, Travis Suits seconded and the motion was passed by a voice vote.


Chuck Campbell closed the meeting in prayer.

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